
"I'm the brother of the student committed suicide"


It doesn't feel real to type that title. None of this feels real yet. He was, as many of you are, a brilliant mind. To those who will say that UW doesn't isolate their students, I'd like to tell you that you're kidding yourself. My brother is the second person to die like this in this year alone at his residence. Waterloo hasn't called my family. We have no support from the school in this. I don't want to see the look on my father's face when he begs me not to leave him. I don't know who any of you are, and none of you know who I am, but please fucking know that you can go home whenever you want. It's just school. It's just a fucking grade. You're worth more than a fucking job or a degree. Chase was in the co-op program and the idea of moving back and forth every 6 months must have scared the living hell out of him. The fact that my brother was reduced to a number and was mistreated by the entire structure of the Waterloo campus is sickening. I read through the article published on uwimprint.com and the only words I could say were "fuck you". They say they offer their deepest sympathies when they never even gave us the courtesy of a phone call. My brother is dead because of the school and system that has become accepted. My brother is gone and I'll never be able to tell him I love him ever again.

I'm 16 years old and will soon be deciding on where I'd like to go for school. I'm so hurt, I'm in so much pain. I need help. I need to know that you guys will be okay. I need you to know that you have a family and a home. School is not everything. Do me a favour and go home as soon as possible and hug your parents. They don't deserve this and neither do you. If you're ever homesick and feel so lonely you can't bear it then just fucking transfer schools to be closer to your family.

Just please let my family be an example of the cowardice and the borderline criminality of the system we're all a part of. If you're attending the University of Waterloo next year or have an open invitation, please decline it or seriously consider another alternative.

Save a life and be there for your roommate, your friend, and your family.

To those wondering we were notified by police and detectives. I will no longer be responding to messages immediately because I need to be with my family. Thank you all for your continued love and support. Hug the people you love. I'm aware this information will be picked up by a newspaper or some form of student thing, but just please keep in mind that I never want anyone to feel like they're unable to just leave school. This isn't supposed to happen.

Hi guys. It's been almost 4 days since Monday, and I have a great sense of enlightenment through you all and your responses. I was incredibly emotional when I wrote the original post and I regret none of what I said, but my focus is now on ensuring that this doesn't happen again. Not like this. We need to not live in the past and step forward and make differences. I'm not going to wait for the University to step up, I'm only going to extend my hand to those who are grieving and offer my help. We all need each other. No speech, no interview, no statement can say that enough. Thank you all. Spread love.



若说国内的部分学校是黑洞,尤其高考压力下的高中,和名校top专业,这边的大学也丝毫不差,mental health也同样徒有其表,预约一个心理咨询需要等上大半个月,态度不是敷衍,就是流于表面,毫无帮助,去过几次,再不想去。






身边有太多CS大神,从初中开始,甚至很小的时候,都有工程师父亲母亲的言传身教,我没有,却要求你能和别人在第一次coop就找到一样的公司,希望在hackathon里有一样的名次,上一样的advanced courses,就是这样的期待。


26 Mar 2017
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